Event Info

Why Invest

Corporate Front Shop Pharmacy

Business Overview

Founded in 1978 by Ivan and Lynette Saltzman, the Dis-Chem Group has evolved into a diversified pharmacy group. Since its listing on the JSE under Food and Drug Retailers in November 2016, Dis-Chem has achieved substantial growth and diversification,...

RUI MANUEL MORAIS CEO of Dis-Chem Read more

Org Structure

Dis-Chem Trade Profiles

The following report sets are designed to provide you with the foundational knowledge and status quo information you need to trade and engage with the Dis-Chem business.

Dis-Chem Retailer Snapshots

Dis-Chem Executive Summary Report

The following report sets are designed to provide C-suite decision-makers and functional teams with a strategic overview of the Dis-Chem business, needed to inform your annual business plans, and in so doing, cement your trading partnership with Dis-Chem.

Strategy & Supplier Opportunity Analysis